There was a time in my life when I wouldn’t eat carrots or bananas because they had too much sugar.

Low-fat this. Reduced calorie that. Sodium…..Forget about it. And guess what? I always had a stomach ache.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, I would absolutely re-do 2020 if it meant Covid never happened; however, one silver lining of being home ALL THE TIME was developing a new relationship with food. I felt better when I ate REAL food for what it was meant to be. All the calories. All the fat. All the sodium. My body digested it better. Crazy, right?

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’ve always been a healthy eater, but I’ve developed a love of food that is limitless and without restrictions.

The bad part? Healthy food is expensive! Those of you that know me know how frugal I am. I used to cringe when Nick would get groceries because he would buy organic produce and come home with HUGE grocery bills!

And, then, I discovered Thrive Market. REAL ingredients, safe for the environment, AND fairly priced? Not to mention, shipped to YOUR door!

I love Thrive Market and am SO EXCITED to PARTNER with them to make better, real food available to everyone. Living healthy is hard. Thrive can make it a little easier.

Let’s make 2021 the year that you good FEEL as good as you look! Click the link above to begin your Thrive journey:).



The Thief Of Joy


Hydration & Immunity