But I haven’t tried anything new….

No offense, but, DUH.

Allergic contact dermatitis can be summed up in one word…FRUSTRATING. We’re all guilty of asking the inevitable question…”Have you tried anything new?” But, honestly, we all know the answer before it even comes out of your mouth. The reason being is that no one would end up in the dermatology office if you tried something new and developed a rash. You would simply stop using the product and said rash would eventually go away.

The majority of people present with a rash that developed WITHOUT trying anything new.

Same detergent. Same body wash. Same moisturizer. Same makeup. Same shampoo. Everything is the same. Except your skin. Yep…your skin is changing on a daily basis. And hence, you can DEVELOP allergies to products you’ve used your ENTIRE life practically overnight.

Want to hear something else that’s a bit crazy? A chemical can come in contact with your ENTIRE body and ONLY cause a rash in certain areas. For example, want to know where one of the first places a shellac allergy presents? EYELIDS. The immunology/sensitivity of your skin varies from head to toe, and, thus, so can your rashes.

But what happens when you don’t get your nails done but have an eyelid or even a facial rash? Think airborne products….I’m talking candles, air fresheners, perfumes, shoot even the scent of a freshly painted room.

Underarm rash but you’ve stopped wearing deodorant? Even preservatives from your body wash or detergent can irritate the skin under your arms and NO WHERE else. You get the gist.

Chemical contact allergies are COMMON. And, sadly, even the “cleanest”, most “natural” products can be the source of contact dermatitis. Fortunately, patch testing offers an outlet to be able to finally determine WHAT you’re reacting to, thus making it easier to avoid said chemical in the future. It won’t confirm if you’re allergic to cats, dogs, mold, dust or dander…we’ll leave that up to the allergists. BUT, it will make your life easier when it comes to the dreaded skincare aisle at Target.

It won’t be an overnight fix, but, I promise, it’ll save you a lot of hastle AND money in the future.


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