The Holiday Glow

It’s hard to believe the holidays are RIGHT around the corner. Weird to say that after a 70 degree weekend….in November…in MICHIGAN! But, hey, we’ll take it.

We all want to look our best for the holidays, skin included. However, all of the skincare, botox, lasers, and makeup won’t be enough to give us that holiday season glow if we’re not equally as kind to our digestive system! After all, our skin is a window into our digestive system.

Holiday parties, no matter how big or small they are this year, tempt us with savory foods, delicious treats, and, of course, alcohol. You can approach these in a few different ways.

Option 1: Treat Yo Self. Feels great in the moment….not so much afterwards.

Option 2: Run! Pull a Reese Witherspoon and Vince Vaughn in Four Christmases and tell your family you’re inoculating babies and can’t make it.

Option 3: Learn how to approach these fun, holiday festivities so you can look and feel your best!


Most holiday spreads lack fiber. Before you head out, load up with a high-fiber meal (like oatmeal with chia seeds and berries, mashed avocado on whole-grain toast, or a chickpea/lentil salad). Personally, I struggle eating protein at parties, so I always make sure to drink a protein shake as well before taking off for the day.

The Eagle has Landed.

While you’re at the party, try to avoid grazing. Constantly snacking puts pressure on your esophagus and can quickly lead to heartburn. When it comes time to eat, don’t feel like you have to avoid all the “bad” foods….just make sure you have more good than bad:).

Before actually sitting down to eat, try drinking a glass of water to rev up those digestive juices.

Finally, CHEW your food!! Have you ever had an uncle choke on something and everyone stares at you to give him the Heimlich!?!?! Me either….Let’s keep it that way. Chewing your food 20-30 times helps to stimulate the release of digestive enzymes.

Alcohol. My nemesis.

Let’s face it. Not drinking at holiday parties is TOUGH. However, your liver plays a HUGE role in the digestive process. Be kind to your liver. I like to start every morning, but especially during the holidays, with a glass of hot lemon water. Not your thing? Peppermint tea is another liver-loving option!

If drinking is inevitable for you, try steering away from beers and liqueurs. Instead, choose dry wine, vodka, gin, or whiskey, which tend to be easier on the ‘ol digestive tract. While at the party, commit to drinking a glass of water in between every alcoholic beverage. And, obviously…drink in moderation!!

No one is perfect. But, hopefully incorporating these strategies into your holiday season will lighten the stress-load when it comes to celebrating. Your belly and skin will definitely thank you!!



But I haven’t tried anything new….


Glass vs. Plastic