Dear 16-year-old Me,

I love my life, I really do. But, who doesn’t have some minor things they wish they could turn the clocks back and do differently?!?! Facebook statuses. Outfit choices. We’ve all got ‘em.

What about skincare? Is there anything you would do differently now that we’re all a little wiser.

Here’s my top 5 Skincare Re-Dos.

  1. Tanning

    • I know, I know. That unlimited tanning package is quite the steal. Fight the urge.

    • 34-year-old you is shouting THANK YOU!!

  2. Eyebrows

    • Put down the tweezers. Your tiny little rainbow eyebrows can’t take anymore plucking. Leave it to the professionals.

  3. Don’t over-complicate it

    • You don’t need to splurge on that Sephora sale or peruse every aisle at Ulta. Everything you need for an effective skincare routine can be found at Target…for half the price.

  4. Stop scrubbing

    • You can’t scrub your pimple away. Put down the washcloth. Ditch the microbead cleanser. Be gentle to your skin and it will return the favor.

  5. Take your makeup off

    • If you’re old enough to stay up late, you’re old enough to take your makeup off before bed. Oh, and don’t even think about using a makeup wipe to do so.

    • Micellar water isn’t invented yet, so checkout an oil-free makeup remover (Target has a great option!).

All in all, you’re doing just fine. You’re going to survive 100% of your bad days and grow up to be pretty alright. Make these changes and you’ll be one step closer to hanging onto that youthful skin for a looooong time.



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Turning Bad Habits >Good