Glass vs. Plastic

Did everyone see that Nora Roberts “Glass vs Plastic” post floating around social media?

I read it, liked it, and shared it. But never did I imagine it would impact me the way it has.

Honestly, I have a great life. But, I won’t lie to you. I still have days when I complain. Late patients. Rude patients. Working through lunch. Getting behind on my schedule. Commitments I regret agreeing to. Too much laundry. Too tired to cook dinner (protein shakes for the win). The list goes on. And I’m sure it does for you, too, probably times a million.

However, after reading that post, my perspective on complaints has changed. I’ll never try to avoid them, that’s unhealthy. But, what I’ve started asking myself on my drive home is…is that plastic or glass? Certain things are worth getting worked up for. Others, not so much. And, the last thing I want to fill my evenings with is plastic complaints.

Learning to differentiate the two can be hard, and, believe me, is still a work in progress for myself. But treating every little thing like it’s glass is exhausting, not to mention heavy. Lighten your load and be okay letting some things go. I promise, it’s worth it.

So, I guess what I’ve come to realize is that most of my complaints are plastic, not glass. They make me bounce back; they don’t break me. I hope yours do, too.


The Holiday Glow
