Skincare product recommendations are EVERYWHERE. Vitamin C this, retinol that. And that’s not even mentioning eye creams and sunscreen! But what happens if you spend all of your effort focusing on the exterior and neglect the interior?

What if you could maximize the potential of your skincare routine by adding some simple habits into your daily life? I have a hunch you’d be interested.

Look no further. Here are 5 simple habits to add to your “skincare” routine.

  1. Foods

    • I’m a big believer in your skin being a direct reflection on what is happening inside your body. Junk in. Junk out.

    • Yes, of course this means loading up on fruits and veggies, but I also think there is something to be said about eating seasonally.

    • Understanding the seasonality of foods will help you reap their biggest benefit. My favorite resource is Eat Pretty by Jolene Hart.

  2. Drinks

    • Dehydration causes your body to release cortisol and histamine, resulting in a decrease in the amount of oxygen your red blood cells can take in.

    • I’m sure you’ve heard the debate over exactly how many glasses of water you need to drink a day. The good ol 8 glass recommendation is being disputed, and I’m definitely not here to tell you otherwise.

    • I am here to tell you that drinking water is great for skin. It helps to rid the body and skin of toxins as well as aids in digestion and circulation. I typically try to incorporate the the “drink 1/2 your body weight in ounces each day” motto.

    • Let’s switch gears to the other beverages in my life: coffee and wine. I struggle to recommend anything that I couldn’t see myself doing. So, when it comes to these, moderation is KEY! Be realistic with yourself. For example, for every cup of coffee, glass of wine, or White Claw I have, I make sure to have a coinciding glass of water to accompany it. But, yes, once again, everything in moderation.

  3. Activity

    • Regular exercise helps improve blood flow, which will ultimately aid in both delivering important nutrients to cells as well as eliminating toxins quicker. It also ramps up lymph flow for a bonus detox!

    • Activity, regardless of type, decreases the body’s hormonal and immune responses to stress and will decrease flares of chronic skin conditions like acne, eczema, or psoriasis.

    • Not to mention, exercise causes release of feel-good endorphins as well as the neurotransmitters serotonin and dopamine to add to that post-workout glow.

  4. Sleep

    • Lack of sleep releases the stress-hormone cortisol, which is directly responsible for breaking down collagen and impairing the skin barrier. Not to mention, skimping on sleep suppresses the immune system and increases inflammation.

    • Human Growth Hormone, an all-star anti-ager for its collagen-synthesizing, skin repairing, and rejuvenating properties, is released during the first wave of slow-wave sleep, which occurs shortly after the onset of sleep. The more hours of sleep you get, the more deep sleep you’ll achieve, and the more growth hormone benefits you’ll reap!

  5. Breathe

    • Sounds pretty self-explanatory, right?? Wrong. Too often, we’re caught up in the hustle and bustle of life and go through the day with short, shallow breaths.

    • Have you ever thought about what breathing is actually doing? Every breath brings in vital oxygen, removes acidic carbon dioxide waste, and encourages nutrient delivery to our cells via circulation (Eat Pretty).

    • I try to incorporate the general rule: a few deep, deliberate breaths in the morning, before each meal, and in the evening before bed.

We’re human and don’t bat 1,000 everyday. Make it a point to add 1 of these simple habits into your daily routine each week and work your way up to incorporating all 5!

Soon, you’ll be MORE of an anti-aging, beauty boosting BOMBSHELL than you already are!



Spring Beauty


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