Spring Beauty

Spring is a season of renewal. Put away the boots. Clean out the closet. Get ready to brighten up that dull, winter skin from the INSIDE!

Spring Beauty is all about detoxification, so it’s no wonder that the majority of spring beauty foods help to support the liver and gallbladder.

Check out a few of my favorites!!


  • Great source of the powerful, antioxidant, Glutathione

Green Beans

  • Anti-inflammatory

  • Contain anti-aging phytochemicals like carotenoids and quercetin (sun-protective) and catechins (free radical-fighting)

  • Good source of absorbable silicon to promote healthy hair, skin, and nails


  • Contain collagen-building vitamin C and immune-boosting bioflavenoids

  • Help detox the liver


  • Great source of veggie protein

  • Phytochemical benefits prevent DNA damage and boost immunity


  • Double beauty nutrients with both vitamin A and glutathione

  • Promotes cell-turnover and repair

  • Bonus beauty benefits when consumed with vitamin C-rich foods like lemons and kiwi


  • Great source of vitamin C

  • Help build collagen and fight free radicals

Sugar Snap Peas

  • Still a great source of veggie protein

  • Provides vitamin C to help boost collagen production and defend against free radical damage

My favorite Spring Beauty Foods may not be yours! For more great nutrition and beauty info, check out my GO TO reference, Eat Pretty, by Jolene Hart.



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