Why Derm?!?!?!

When I was in PA school, I had a preceptor ask me if I had a specific field I wanted to work in.

Derm. It’s always been derm.

To which she said, “Why?!?!?!…..Derm is SO boring!!!”

I laugh thinking back to that day because anyone that knew me circa 2011-2014 knows that I spent my lunch break crying in my car.

Fortunately, I didn’t let one negative opinion stop me.

But, it did get me thinking.

I’ve been asked no less than 50 times why I chose derm. I wish I had a great answer.

I didn’t have eczema as a child. I’ve never had acne so bad I went on Accutane. I haven’t had skin cancer.

Want to hear the best part?!?!? I had never even been to a dermatologist before I started working at my current job!

I just knew I would love it and, boy, was I right. The one thing I didn’t know was just how much I would love it. As cheesy as this sounds, it literally gets better every day.

So, when I sat down to write this, I came up with my top 5 reasons why I LOVE derm.

  1. The patients. Sure, maybe I’m biased because I work in a pretty bomb area. But, I think derm patients are the best. As covid made us realize, derm can often be considered “non-essential” medicine. So, when patients come into the office, 99.99% of the time, it is by choice! They WANT to be there!

  2. You can SEE improvement. Sure, Lipitor helps to lower cholesterol but you can’t SEE it lowering when you look in the mirror. Seeing someone’s confidence sky-rocket because their acne is improved is one of the most satisfying feelings ever! Not to mention, the gratitude they have is pretty awesome, too! The same applies for the person who never wears a swimsuit because of his psoriasis. Or the person who avoids going out with friends because she’s afraid her rosacea will flare. Dermatology offers these individuals a type of freedom they’ve never experienced before!

  3. Never ending learning opportunities. I’ve worked in dermatology for 7 years. I’ve seen my fair share of warts, acne, questionable moles, and skin cancers. I haven’t seen Telangiectasia Macularis Eruptiva Perstans (TMEP), Lupus Miliaris Disseminatus Faciei, Pemphigus Herpetiformis, and literally a MILLION other rashes. I LOVE that there is always something to learn. How boring would it be if you knew it all?!?!

  4. Diversity. Some Derm PAs are primarily cosmetic; others are surgical; some only do medical dermatology. I like to mix it up! I practice 85% medical dermatology, which encompasses acne and wart visits, rashes and biopsies, skin cancer screens as well as treatment of skin cancers found. I do “simple” surgical procedures like mole and cyst excisions. And, of course, I dip my toes in the cosmetic waters with a small amount of botox patients! Keeping it diverse keeps it exciting!

  5. Lifestyle. Anyone who tells you they love derm but doesn’t mention the lifestyle is lying. I cried every day of my ER rotation because I’m still convinced my body isn’t meant to work in 14-hour increments. I tried moon-lighting in an urgent care for a little while and got major anxiety before every shift because I was terrified that something crazy would walk in. I need structure to my day. I may not be able to predict how every day will go, but I need to have a schedule. Being able to shut it off after 6pm is good for my body, mind, relationships, social life…..literally, everything!!

So, in the end, maybe those aren’t good enough reasons for some. But, the older I get, the more I realize.….The more you love your decisions, the less you need others to love them.




But first….